First, a bit about me
Hey! My name is Vitaliy Demchuk, owner and founder of Jacked Hamster FAMILIA! Since 2018, I have changed 1000s of lives for the better by teaching my clients how to lose body fat, build muscle/strength, improve overall lifestyle and health, without sacrificing a healthy balance, using sustainable approaches, that I have designed myself from a scratch based on a certified knowledge and of course my own experience! However, if you had an opportunity to work with me, you KNOW I AM EXTREMELY passionate about anatomy, biomechanics, health, fitness, and all the amazing things human body is capable of, so naturally I always want to continue evolving my knowledge with a purpose to provide my clients with BEST TOOLS POSSIBLE. Therefore, I decided to invest further and set new goals, that I can add on TOP of my coaching services, which is a MASSAGE THERAPY! Why? Because massage is a “biohack” to even better recovery, health, and performance, so why not to not only coach my clients but also assist them with tools, maximizing proper recovery and simply lowering stress levels by applying a relaxation massage! I just finished my first year and received a “Basic Relaxation Massage” certificate (full graduation is anticipated in ~ June, 2025), however, I have been officially approved to begin practicing a RELAXATION MASSAGE at my location, as a student of massage therapy!
Relaxation Massage
Also known as a Swedish Massage. This massage begins with a consultation, focusing on the client’s main complaint. The main effects and benefits of a relaxation massage are: general relaxation, increasing blood circulation, flushing lymphatic fluid, decreasing pain by stimulating mechanoreceptors, and releasing tension from muscles. It also helps to improve recovery, sleep, overall energy levels, and reduces both emotional and physical stress.
Vitaliy Demchuk is providing STUDENT relaxation massage services ONLY and is NOT a registered massage therapist (full graduation is anticipated in ~ June, 2025). Therefore the student relaxation massage services do not qualify for insurance reimbursement.
Book a 60 - minute relaxation massage appointment (links bellow).
Receive a confirmation email.
Proceed with a payment (all the details will be listed in the links bellow & confirmation email)!!!STUDENT RATES FOR NOW!!!
Message Vitaliy Demchuk to confirm appointment time/date and payment.
Show-up on time.
Get an awesome relaxation massage!
Friendly reminders:
- If you are late, time won’t be extended. Each time slot is fixed & specific, with respect to other clients’ bookings.
- Healthy Hygiene.
- Respect Vitaliy’s scope of practice (only relaxation massage services are provided).
- You are not eligible for Vitaliy’s services if you are under 18.
- FOR YOUR FIRST APPOINTMENT, you will have to fill out a CLIENT INFORMATION & HEALTH HISTORY, & INFORMED CONSENT FORM + Consultation.Have questions ? Contact me HERE !